To exchange thoughts and ideas and to discuss cynicism in general!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Are males physically more sexually active than women?

The inherent powers associated with the position of a male individual in society are probably the deciding factor in sexual aggressiveness so commonly observed. The physical aspect being one that appears to be equally prevalent in both genders, the popular theory, which obviously stems from the assumption, that men are essentially polygamous, we do come to an interesting crossroad in this analysis.
As my friend and I fought over our drinks whence he sought to blame the biological make-up of males to be the deciding factor in the naturally apparent aggression, I was quite undecided enough in my opinion so as to veer into a deeper social implication of the matter at hand. A case in point of our discussion was a most natural choice - we considered adoloscent males who are visibly the most sexually awkward beings in existence.....


Blogger Shamasis said...

Well... the answer lies in the fact that the one raising the issue is a male!

Chivalry speaks as a man when man extends the chair for the tired lady when she returns home, but refuses to give seat to women in an auto-rickshaw when they refuse to sit in the front seat due to "physical" reasons.

11:42 pm

Blogger alpha_ro_mel said...

A story first.
In the 1950s when the mighty West Indies team was defeated by the Australians on home soil after a close but sporting Test Series, the Sydney crowd applauded the Windies back to their ship.While the rest of the nation basked under the self congratulatory sun on display of such sporting spirit, one witty critic commented "Of course they are sporting because despite everything the Windies are,er...losers."
As long as my position as the alpha is not threatened i'll be benevolent. From my Godfather arm chair i'll bail out patronages, but ma'am i prefer sympathy.Makes me feel good about it you see!

3:02 am

Blogger Manish "Diogenes" Golder said...

I hate this post!
It's so tardy!

2:31 am


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